Surprisingly Health Benefits of Onion

Surprisingly Health Benefits of Onion
A half cutting onion on the table

Surprisingly Health Benefits of Onion

The scientific name of the onion is Allium cepa and belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family.
Onion originated more than 5000 years ago in central Asia. Onion originated more than 4000 years ago in central Asia. China produces large amounts of onion all over the world. Onions are part of daily consumption. Onion is one of the most important vegetables and is considered a healthy food. Onion is used in several cooked, dishes, pickles, chutneys, and salads. Onions are elongated round or flat in shape and vary in color from white, yellow pink, or brown to red.

Varieties of onion

Common onion contains three varieties of color

Yellow onion

They have little juice and are ideal for cooking. Yellow onions are the choice for everyday use in European cuisine.

Purple onion or red onion

They are the choice for everyday use in Asia cuisine. Purple onions are also used in raw and grilling.

White onion

They are the choice for everyday use in Mexican cuisine. White onions are particularly sweet in flavor.


Onion contains a rich amount of vitamin B6, folate, vitamin C, and minerals, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.
100 grams of Onion contain the following nutrients

  • Energy 166 KJ
  • Carbohydrate 9.34 g
  • Fat 0.1 g
  • Protein 1.1 g
  • Water 89.11 %
How to grow Onion?
There are three ways that onions can be planted Set, Transplant, and Direct seeding. The method of set and transplant planting is more beneficial than direct planting because onions are ready to harvest one to two months earlier than direct seeding. Onion plants need 1 inch of water in a week and full sunlight to produce good crops.

Benefits of onions

Onions are low in calories but contain a rich amount of vitamins and nutrients that promote health in many ways.

Antioxidant compound

The presence of antioxidant compounds in onion may help to protect against cancer and diabetes. Onion contains flavonoids that are one of the richest sources in our life

Support our heart health

Onion may help to reduce the risk of heart disease and reduce blood pressure and maintain cholesterol level

Support bone health

Onion contains antioxidant properties that reduce stress and bone loss. Onion juice is very beneficial for the improvement of body density.

Control blood sugar level

Onion can control blood sugar levels. Onion is beneficial for diabetic patients. Quercetin and sulfur compounds contain in onion help to control blood sugar levels.

Use as raw material

Onion gave a good flavor to dishes, and onion powder is also used in cooking. Onion can be used in salad. We can add onion to egg dishes like omelets.


Onions are rich sources of vitamins and minerals, and these all help to purify skin acne and prevent risks of skin issues. Vitamin C helps to nourish our skin and make it healthy and glowing.

Hair growth

Onions are good for hair growth. Yes, people must use onion juice for thick and long hair. Sulfur present in onions may help to prevent from breakage of hair. Onion juice will nourish hair. Massage with onion juice is best, as that increases blood circulation and helps in hair growth.

Helps to maintain brain health

Onion can help when the brain is damaged by a stroke or clot. Onion can play an important role in our mental health.

Side effects of Onion

Excessive use of something can also cause harm. In the same way, onions have many benefits as well as side effects. If we use too much onion in our diet then it is very harmful to our health and causes heartburn, bloating, abdominal discomfort, nausea, and vomiting.

Risk of bleeding disorder

Onion may slow blood clotting. Onion can increase the risk of bleeding when taken as a medicine. If you have a bleeding disorder you should not use medicinal amounts of onion.

Bad breath

Many people do not like the taste of onion, and after eating onion, there is a bad breath.

In the case of surgery

The onion should not be eaten for a week or two before the schedule of operation, because it may cause the risk of bleeding and reduce blood clotting.

Allergic reaction

Some people have an allergic reaction to onions. Symptoms,

  • Itching
  • Watering of eyes
  • Skin rashes

Avoid in pregnancy

The onion should not be consumed in large quantities during pregnancy and breastfeeding, due to the lack of confirmation on its safety.


When the onion is cut, the onion releases the compound. This compound is called the lachrymator compound, which causes irritation around the eyes, and tears start to flow from the eyes. These compounds consist of methionine and cystine.


When you eat an onion it stimulates gastric acid and causes heartburn.


What are the benefits of onions?

Onions are low in calories but are rich in vitamins and nutrients that benefit our health in many ways. The presence of antioxidant compounds in onions helps to protect against cancer and diabetes. Onions are good for our hair and skin, regulate blood sugar levels and support bone health.

Can an onion increase sperm?

Yes, eating onions will increase sperm count, quality, and sperm motility. Onion benefits are important to overcome male infertility and improve male sexual health problems.

What is the best time to eat onion?

It has not been proven that eating onions only at night is healthy. They can be enjoyed at any time of the day.

Muhib Hafeez

Muhib Hafeez

Nutrition, health, food & wellness! This is my jam. I’m here to help you put together some healthy meals, kick the junk food habit if you’re struggling, and help you find fitness that fits into your lifestyle. My nutritional advice is simple. Eat whole foods, mostly plants, and mostly from the ground

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