Surprisingly Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Surprisingly Health Benefits of Tomatoes
Two tomatoes with a dark cyan background

Surprisingly Health Benefits of Tomatoes

In 700 AD, an Aztec empire emerged in the South American region of Mesoamerica, and the people of that empire began to grow tomatoes for the first time. But the Spanish Empire has a hand in making tomatoes popular, when the Spanish Empire conquered the war with the Aztecs, they brought the tomato plant from there to Spain and planted it all over their other colonies, thus due to Spain, tomatoes reached all over Europe.

The scientific name of the tomato is Solanum lycopersicum.  Tomatoes contain antioxidants that protect against many diseases. There are 31,760 genes in tomatoes and 10,000 varieties of tomatoes all over the world. Tomates are smooth and shiny. Tomatoes were also known as love apples.

Size: The size of the tomato is varied in diameter from 1.5 to 7.5 cm.
Shape: The tomato is oval in shape and elongated to pear shape. Small varieties of tomatoes are called cherry tomatoes.
Color: The color of the tomato is changed from green to yellow and turns into red. Lycopene is the pigment in the cell of tomatoes due to this pigment tomato turn red in color.


Tomato contains many nutrients. The amount of water in tomatoes is around 95% and 5% consists of carbohydrates and fiber. Tomato is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin A, K, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B7 and it also includes iron, potassium, magnesium, chromium, phosphorus, and zinc.
The nutrient in a 100-gram of raw tomato is

  • Calories 18
  • Water 95%
  • Protein 0.9 g
  • Carbs 3.9 g
  • Sugar 2.6 g
Requirements for tomatoes plant
Tomatoes plants require sunlight and warm weather, Tomatoes and tomato stems are found above the ground. Plants need a lot of water to keep the plant green.

Healthy Benefits of Tomatoes

There are a lot of benefits in tomatoes the major benefits of tomatoes are

  • Tomato reduced the risk of heart attack and cancer
  • Fewer chances of strokes
  • Boost immune system
  • Cholesterol level is low
  • Keep the blood from clotting

Vitamin E and C in tomato support our cardiac vascular system, which is important for the heart. Tomato contains more iron than milk, so eating tomatoes does not cause anemia. Tomatoes are low in calories and fat which helps weight loss and prevent platelets from sticking in the blood. Tomato dilute the blood which does not cause 70% of diseases.

Lycopene and beta Carotene in tomatoes are very important for vision. Lycopene in tomatoes plays a major role in preventing cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, and many others. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that helps to guard against harmful free radicals. Tomato contains Potassium that helps to control blood pressure and heart disease and eliminate the risks of hypertension.               

Benefits of Tomatoes as Natural Cosmetics

  • Tomato juice is best that makes our faces beautiful and radiant
  • Tomato paste is good for oily skin as it reduces excess oil and reduces skin pores
  • Tomato juice makes hair shine and tomato conditioner is best for hair because it increases the pH level of hair that makes the hair look glossy
  • Tomato is beneficial for the skin it may protect against sunburns

Uses of tomatoes in the kitchen

Tomato can be eaten as raw material other than cooked and also used in a salad a large percentage world uses tomato crops for tomato juice, ketchup, puree, paste, and canned tomatoes.

Side Effects of Tomatoes

As our elders often say, too much of anything is bad. In the same way, eating too much tomato is bad for our health.

Kidney problems

Eating too much tomato increases the level of potassium in the blood, which cause kidney problems and in addition of high level of oxalate can cause kidney stones.

Allergic reaction

The histamine compound inside the tomato can cause various allergic reactions when you eat too much. These reactions can occur immediately after eating the tomatoes, you get symptoms like skin reactions, coughing, sneezing, irritation in your throat, and swelling of the face, mouth, and tongue.

Tomatoes may carry with them a bacterium called salmonella, which is responsible for dehydration or diarrhea

Acidic in nature

Due to the presence of high level of citric acid, tomatoes are acidic in nature which cause inflammation in the bladder if you eat too much.


Is a tomato a vegetable or a fruit?

The answer to the age-old query is both, in fact! Nutritionists classify tomatoes as a fruit yet consider them to be a vegetable. According to botany a fruit is a ripened flower ovary and contains seeds so a tomato is a fruit.

What are tomatoes good for?

The tomato is rich in nutrients. About 95% of a tomato’s weight is water, and the remaining 5% is made up of fiber and carbs. The nutrients iron, potassium, magnesium, chromium, phosphorus, and zinc are all present in tomatoes, Tomato is also a good source of vitamins C, A, K, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B7.

Can we eat tomatoes every day?

Yes, you can but remember moderation is the key to getting benefits You can get many vitamins and minerals from eating tomatoes every day, There is no suggested daily intake for tomatoes.

Muhib Hafeez

Muhib Hafeez

Nutrition, health, food & wellness! This is my jam. I’m here to help you put together some healthy meals, kick the junk food habit if you’re struggling, and help you find fitness that fits into your lifestyle. My nutritional advice is simple. Eat whole foods, mostly plants, and mostly from the ground

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