Surprisingly Health Benefits of Peas

Surprisingly Health Benefits of Peas
Three peas on the table with their pods

Surprisingly Health Benefits of Peas

Green peas have been used in our diet for years because of their health benefits. It contains on rich amount of vitamins and minerals that protect us from many diseases. Green peas are grown in the winter season. The green pea plant is an annual herb. Garden fresh peas are good in taste because peas do not stay fresh after harvest so enjoy their taste as soon as you can.

The scientific name of the green pea is Pisum sativum and belongs to the legumes family. Peas belong to West Asia and North America but wild peas are still found in Iran, Afghanistan, and Ethiopia. 4000 years ago, pea cultivation spread throughout Europe.

Peas are contained within a pod; each pod called a fruit contains several seeds called peas. Peas are green or yellow in color and pods are developed from the ovary of seeds. It is used for human food and animal feed, but in Europe, most peas are used for animal feed.


Green peas are a good source of vitamins and other antioxidant compounds that are very beneficial for human health. A half cup of green peas contains the following nutrients:

  • Calories: 59
  • Protein: 4g
  • Carbohydrates: 12g
  • Sugar: 4g
  • Iron: 1mg
  • Calcium: 21.2mg
How to grow Peas?
Green peas are very easy to grow. Peas can be planted in a sunny place and in well-drained soil. Although peas can grow in partial shade, they will not be as sweet as those grown in full sun. A green pea is a small spherical seed that must be sown as soon as the soil temperature reaches 10 degrees Celsius. Seeds do not thrive in the summer season of warmer temperatures but must grow in the cool season.

Healthy benefits of peas

Green peas must use in our daily life because they contain a rich amount of vitamins and minerals that provide important health benefits. In this article, you will learn about the following benefits of peas.

Eyes health

Green peas contain carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin that helps protect your eyes from chronic diseases, and these antioxidant properties also fight against harmful blue light.

Protect against stomach cancer

A rich amount of coumestrol and fiber contained in peas play a role in protecting against stomach cancer and helps move food through your gut for easier digestion.

Build immune system

The antioxidant properties of catechin and epicatechin contain in green peas, which are beneficial for the immune system it helps to build your immune system.

Reduced risk of heart problems

A rich amount of minerals contained in green peas, such as magnesium and potassium may lower the risk of high blood pressure. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids found in peas may also protect against plaque formation in blood vessel walls.

Prevent from cancer

Eating green peas on daily basis is very beneficial because they contain rich amounts of antioxidants such as saponins and vitamin K that may help reduce the risk of cancer, inhibit tumor growth, and reduce the risk of prostrate gland.

Control blood sugar level

Green peas are diabetic-friendly food. Protein and fiber in peas may help prevent your blood sugar level from rising too quickly and keep diabetes under control.
Peas also contain magnesium and vitamins A, B, and K, all of these nutrients may help control blood sugar levels.

Reduced risk of Anemia

Green peas contain on rich amount of iron. Iron plays a very major role in our body. Shortage of iron caused anemia in your body. If you do not have enough iron, your body cannot make enough healthy oxygen to carry in red blood cells which leads to a lack of hemoglobin, iron helps fight fatigue and gives you strength.

Weight loss

Green Peas are low in calories. The fiber contains in pea play a role in weight reduction. Fiber helps to create a feeling of fullness and prevents you from joining other foods.

Strengthen the bone

A rich amount of minerals such as iron and zinc are contained in peas, which preserve bone density and make them strong.

Promotes hair growth

Green peas are best for hair growth. It contains protein, iron, and zinc, which make the hair strong.

In case of pregnancy

Green peas are good sources of protein, iron, and calcium these nutrients are beneficial for pregnant women. The presence of vitamin B in peas may prevent congenital disabilities in children.

Good for skin

Green peas are a good source of vitamin C that helps in the production of collagen, which helps keep your skin glowing.

Side effects of green peas

Green peas can cause the following side effects.

Impact kidney health

Green peas contain a high amount of protein content and taking them in large amounts may impact the functioning of kidneys.

Cause bloating

Green peas contain lectin substances that can cause bloating.

Cause joint pain

Taking a large number of green peas in our diet can also increase the uric acid level in our body which can cause joint pain.


How many kinds of green peas?

Basically, there are three types of green peas which are English peas, snow peas, and sugar snap peas.

What are the benefits of eating green peas?

Green peas must use in our daily life because they contain a rich amount of vitamins and minerals that provide important health benefits. The presence of magnesium and potassium in peas is good for your heart.

Are peas carbs or protein?

Peas are slightly higher in carbohydrates. Half a cup (80 grams) of peas contains 62 calories, Of which 73% comes from carbohydrates and 24% from protein.

Are peas good for men’s health?

Green peas increase sperm count and motility. Glycodelin in peas may help strengthen sperms and improves their ability to fertilize an egg.

Muhib Hafeez

Muhib Hafeez

Nutrition, health, food & wellness! This is my jam. I’m here to help you put together some healthy meals, kick the junk food habit if you’re struggling, and help you find fitness that fits into your lifestyle. My nutritional advice is simple. Eat whole foods, mostly plants, and mostly from the ground

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