The scientific name of mango is Mangifera indica. It is a species of loving plant in the family Anacardiaceae. It is a large fruit tree capable of growing to a height of 30 meters. Mango originated in the 16th century from the Portuguese word manga. The scientific name refers to the plant-bearing mangoes in India. Mango trees can be found in Brazil, Florida, the West Indies, and other tropical environments. The mango is native to South Asia.
Color: Mango is yellow-orangish in color. It is named after the fruit. It is currently unknown when mango was first used as a color name in English. The inner flesh is almost golden yellow.
Shape: Mango is oval, kidney-shaped, round, heart-shaped, or long and slender. The smallest mangoes are no longer than plums.
Size: The fruit is somewhat round, ranging from 5-25 cm in length and from 140 grams to 2kg in weight per individual fruit.
Flavor: Mango has amazing acid characteristics and flavor profile. It is zesty orange to juicy peach, tropical pineapple, and sweet caramel.
100 grams of mango contains the following nutrients:
- Calories 60
- Total fat 0.4 g
- Saturated fat 0.1 g
- Potassium 168 mg
- Sugar 14 g
- Vitamin C 60%
- Sodium 1 mg
- Total Carbohydrate 15 g
- Protein 0.8 g
- Calcium 1%
- Vitamin B6 5%
- Iron 1%
How to grow mango? |
Health Benefits of Mango
Mango is a good source of minerals, copper, and folate, which are especially important nutrients. The water-soluble vitamin folate helps the immune system, helps the body absorb iron, and promotes cell growth and repair.
Prevent from diabetes
Mango is relatively high in natural sugars compared with other fresh fruits. No evidence suggests that eating fresh mango leads to diabetes or is unhealthy for this condition. Studies showed that the higher intake of fresh fruit has a lower risk of diabetes. Consuming vegetables and fruits are high in Vitamin C and carotenoids that help in preventing the onset of diabetes. Mango is high in natural sugar. If you eat too much at one time.
Low in calories
The other benefit of mango is that it is lower in calories. 1 cup of fresh mango contains fewer than 100 calories. Fresh vegetables and fruits tend to have a low-calorie density. Dried mangoes are rich in nutrients like minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.
Boosting immune system
Mango is a good source of immune-boosting nutrients. Vitamin A is essential for a healthy immune system. Not getting this vitamin could cause a greater risk of infection. Vitamin C present in mango can help your body produce more disease-fighting white blood cells, it helps these cells work more effectively, and improves your skin’s defense. Mango also contains other nutrients that may also support immunity including copper, vitamin E, folate, and several B vitamins.
Support heart health
Mango continues nutrients that support a healthy heart. Magnesium and potassium are present in mango which helps in maintaining a healthy heart flow.
Lower risk of cancer
Polyphenols help to protect against harmful processes called oxidative stress which is linked to certain types of cancers. A major polyphenol that is present in mango has recently gained attention for its promoting anticancer effects.
Benefits eye health
Mango is full of nutrient content that aids eye health. The nutrients are especially concentrated at the center of the retina, which is called the macula. The two key nutrients are zeaxanthin and lutein. Mango is also a good source of vitamin A, which supports eye health.
Side Effects of Mango
Consuming mangoes in excess amounts could lead to allergy and throat pain. It could lead to stomach discomfort, indigestion, and diarrhea.
What not to eat with mango?
Eating mangoes with these foods can cause some issues because the natural acids in mangos can cause digestive problems like bloating, acidity, and allergic reactions. Traditional beliefs and some health concerns advise against eating mango with dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese, spicy foods, seafood, bitter gourd, and alcohol.
When should you not eat mango?
A mango’s high fiber content can cause digestive problems like bloating, so you should avoid eating it when it’s overripe and mushy (indicating spoilage), on an empty stomach, or if you have a known mango allergy. It’s also generally advised to avoid eating mango right before bed because its natural sugars can raise blood sugar levels.