Surprisingly Health Benefits of Macadamia Nuts

Surprisingly Health Benefits of Macadamia Nuts
some whole and some without shell Macadamia nuts in grey background

Surprisingly Health Benefits of Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia integrifolia is the scientific name of macadamia nut.  These are native to northeastern New South Wales and central southeastern Queensland. These are also native to eastern tropical Australia. It grows in rainforests and close to streams macadamia belongs to the member of Proteaceae family. In the US, they are also known as Hawaii nuts. Other names include bash nut, baupal nut, and marocchi nut. Two species of the genus are commercially important for their fruit. Australia is the world’s major producer of macadamia nut, the only Australian native food crop that has ever been developed and traded internationally as a commercial food product.

Color: macadamia is a light, golden-yellow muted with a honey-yellow undertone. This color pairs with soft pink and green to create a calming environment.
Shape: macadamia nuts are round in shape. Out of four species, only two are used for the production of macadamia nuts. These nuts are encased in a very hard, brown husk.
Size: the macadamia whole kernel with a size range from 17 mm to 20 mm, with large holes ranging in size from 13 mm upwards. Macadamia trees can grow up to 20 m high over 30 to 40 years.
Flavor: the taste of macadamia is very mild, somewhere between coconut and Brazil nut with a faint hint of something resembling white chocolate. Macadamia nuts have a rich buttery flavor.


Macadamia nuts are incredibly nutritious and easy to enjoy in a number of recipes. These are perfectly edible.

  • Calories 718
  • Total fat 76 g
  • Potassium 368 mg
  • Sodium 5 mg
  • Total carbohydrate 14 g
  • Protein 8 g
  • Dietary fiber 9 g
  • Calcium 8%
  • Vitamin C 2%
  • Iron 20%
  • Vitamin B6 15%
  • Magnesium 32%
How to grow macadamia nuts?
Macadamia nut is commonly propagated by cutting for use as a rootstock. The macadamia nut tree is a fast-growing medium-sized tree with heavy dark green foliage that hails from Australia. The best temperature required for the growth of macadamia trees is between 25 to 35 Celsius which is ideal. Macadamia trees need a high amount of rain. Scarcely farmed only 1% of tree nuts produced worldwide are macadamia. Macadamia nuts can be used in recipes. They can be eaten raw as well. Before a macadamia tree reaches maturity and maximum yield, it can take at least 10 to 15 years. The roots of macadamia are highly efficient at taking up phosphorus. Place it 1 centimeter below the surface of the potting soil look for the little white dot on the shell called the micropyle, this is where the nut sprouts. Growers plant as wide as 10 m between rows with 5 m between trees within rows.  Cultivation of macadamia does not require a subtropical climate, well-drained soil, and careful management to thrive. Macadamia is not a fast cropping plant but it will be worth the wait, producing not in five to 10 years, with full production expected in 10 to 20 years.

Healthy Benefits of Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are full of nutrients. They help you to lower the risk of heart disease.

Rich with nutrients

 Like other nuts, macadamia nuts contain vitamins, proteins, and minerals but they also have a ton of healthy plant-based fat. They are an excellent source of unsaturated fats which have been linked to reduced risk of heart disease and other causes of premature death rather than saturated fats.

Thiamine helps to keep your nervous system healthy and is also known as vitamin B1. Copper helps to activate your brain and immune system. Magnesium is one of the minerals that help your body’s disease-fighting army.

Benefits heart health

 Macadamia helps to reduce the risk of heart disease that is because of some fats. Recent studies showed that diet rich in nuts can help to down the LDL bad cholesterol level.

Rich in Anti-oxidants

 Macadamia nuts contain antioxidants like polyphenols and Vitamin E. It also helps your body to fight free radicals. These are unpredictable molecules that can trigger disease.

Good for the gut

The soluble fiber in macadamia nuts helps to keep your digestive system moving.  These also act as a probiotic in your belly. Balancing your gut bacteria through your diet is generally a good idea it if you have irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease.

Lower risk of cancer

 Eating nuts may decrease the chances of gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, and lung cancer. There is no proper research that shows that macadamia nuts are beneficial to brain health, but a few associations between eating more nuts and a slow decline in your brain function.

Nourishes your skin

 Macadamia nut is basically a naturally vitamin E-rich moisturizer. The pale yellow also contains palmitoleic acid, which has been linked to improving wound healing. It also helps to reduce the signs of skin aging.

Side effects of Macadamia nuts

Some people are allergic to macadamia nuts and can have serious allergic reactions including

  • life-threatening breathing  problems
  • Digestive issues
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • And even anaphylaxis.


What are macadamia nuts good for?

Macadamia nuts are full of nutrients. macadamia nuts contain vitamins, proteins, and minerals but they also have a ton of healthy plant-based fat. Macadamia helps to reduce the risk of heart disease, lower risk of cancer, nourishes your skin, and is good for the gut

Why are macadamia nuts so expensive?

Macadamia nuts are only 1% produced worldwide. One of the main reasons that macadamia nuts are expensive is their supply. The fact that macadamia nuts grow on trees, like most tree nuts, causes a delay in harvesting.

Muhib Hafeez

Muhib Hafeez

Nutrition, health, food & wellness! This is my jam. I’m here to help you put together some healthy meals, kick the junk food habit if you’re struggling, and help you find fitness that fits into your lifestyle. My nutritional advice is simple. Eat whole foods, mostly plants, and mostly from the ground

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