Surprisingly Health Benefits of Capsicum

Surprisingly Health Benefits of Capsicum
Two capsicum

Surprisingly Health Benefits of Capsicum

Capsicum is a less spicy variety with many colors, such as red, yellow, green, and orange. The scientific name of capsicum is Capsicum annum, which belongs to the family Solanaceae. Capsicum is also known as “Bell peppers” in America

  • Capsicum is native to southern Northern America and the Caribbean
  • Capsicum is a genus of flowering plants in the nightshade family Solanaceae cultivated worldwide

Size: Average height ranges from 30 to 90 cm
Shape: Block shape to a point capsicum
Color: Green at first then turned red, orange, yellow, or purple-black when they ripe further
Flavor: Red capsicum is the sweetest due to its higher sugar content and is rich in vitamin C and beta carotene. Orange and yellow have almost as much sugar as the red variety

Capsicum: Properties, Uses, and Supplements


Capsicum has various health benefits too;

  • Capsicum helps the risk of cancer
  • Capsicum assists in reducing the inflammation
  • Heart-friendly ingredient
  • Capsicum helps in reducing the anxiety
  • Excellent rich in nutrients
  • Helps in reducing various chronic diseases
  • Capsicum is beneficial for the skin, liver, and brain


  • Serve capsicum raw in salads
  • If you prefer to cook them, opt for stir-frying or roasting, which preserve more of their vitamins
  • Both membranes containers are edible

Supplements in Capsicum

Capsicum contains 94% water, and 5% carbohydrates, with a little amount of protein and fats. These bright-colored vegetables are quite high in Vitamin C, and Vitamin A, besides ample amounts of vitamins B 2, B 6, niacin, folate, and riboflavin


Capsicum is packed many with many nutrients that are associated with numerous health benefits like improving metabolism and good for cardiovascular health. The following nutrients are present in 100 grams of capsicum.

  • Calories: 20
  • Water: 94%
  • Protein: 0.9g
  • Carbs: 4.6g
  • Fiber: 1.7g
  • Fat: 0.2g
  • Sugar: 2.4g
How to grow capsicum?
Capsicum generates well when the temperature ranges between 18°C to 35°C. It will require 4-5 hours of sunlight daily. This is the ideal time of summer to grow capsicum. Capsicum needs full sun for harvesting. Capsicum needs regular, deep soaking of water, it is because they are deep-rooted depending on the type of soil. Sandy soil needs more water, clay soil needs less water. Capsicum can be successfully grown in containers, indoors, and in the background.

Unique benefits of Capsicum

Capsicums are unique sources of nutrients and might be helpful to human health. Some of the hidden uses of capsicum are described as follows:

Assists in managing diabetes

Capsicum has capsaicin which has a positive effect on diabetic patients. Recent studies emphasized that the inclusion of capsicum and vegetable aids in the management of type 2 diabetes. More than one variant of this vegetable could help to lower glucose sugar levels in the case of type 1  diabetes

Good for cardiovascular health

Reports published support that consuming red hot chili peppers almost every day had a reduced chance of mortality risk as opposed to those who did not. This is because the flavonoids present in the capsicum have a preventive action against coronary heart diseases and obesity

Helps reduce inflammation

Capsicums are high in antioxidants, which reduce inflammation. Inflammation is the root cause of most chronic diseases today. Pepper’s health benefits include inflammation and improving the immune system by reducing inflammatory factors

Can prevent cancer

Red pepper is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances and has a variety of anti-cancer properties. Capsicum also contains sulfur compounds that promote health. Pepper/capsicum enzyme helps prevent gastric cancer and esophageal cancer. The carotenoid can effectively prevent prostate cancer, bladder cancer pancreatic cancer, and cervical cancer.

Assists in improving metabolism

Such active compounds are present in capsicum which helps to activate thermogenesis and increase the metabolic rate. Chillis and capsicum don’t increase your heartbeat and blood pressure but help you to lose weight.

Boon for eye

Capsicums are especially rich in Vitamin A and also a source of carotenoid which helps in maintaining healthy eyesight, especially night vision, and reduces the risk of macular degeneration ( an eye disease that can blur your central vision

Good for arthritis

As we already discussed that it has anti-inflammatory properties which help in reducing the pain

Cure yellow fever

Capsicum act as a potent analgesic improves resistance in the body and fortifies immunity against yellow fever

Side effects of Capsicum

  • Excessive intake leads to bloating or swelling of the face, lower legs, hands, feet, and arms
  • The most prominent overuse of the capsicum is stabbing pain
  • Throat irritation is also the major factor of eating too much capsicum, as the excess of anything is bad for health
  • Leads to eye irritation or pain are the sudden side effects of capsicum
  • Mc Dowell said that it is so hard for the body to break down fully capsicum especially if taken raw, it is because the outer skin of capsicum is so tough and fibrous
  • Allergic persons are not allowed to take capsicum especially when their doctor recommended not to take it, so it would be better if you talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or health care professionals first


How long does capsicum take to harvest?

Harvesting of capsicums depends on their variety
Green = 55-60 days
Yellow= 70-75 days
Red= 80-90 days

Is capsicum and bell pepper the same?

Yes, In the US they are known as bell pepper while in Uk they are known as peppers.

Why is capsicum good for you?

Because capsicum is loaded with several nutrients that are associated with countless health benefits like improving metabolism and good for cardiovascular health.

Muhib Hafeez

Muhib Hafeez

Nutrition, health, food & wellness! This is my jam. I’m here to help you put together some healthy meals, kick the junk food habit if you’re struggling, and help you find fitness that fits into your lifestyle. My nutritional advice is simple. Eat whole foods, mostly plants, and mostly from the ground

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