Surprisingly Health Benefits of Beetroot

Surprisingly Health Benefits of Beetroot
beetroots on the ground

Surprisingly Health Benefits of Beetroot

The scientific name of beetroot is beta Vulgaris and belongs to the Chenopodiaceae family. Beetroot eating is believed to have originated in the Mediterranean Sea. Beets are now available and enjoyed worldwide. Beetroot shape is based on variety, but the most common shape of beetroot is globe-shaped. Leaves of beetroot are oval in shape and its roots are spherical or flat in shape

The Colour of beetroot is varying from yellow to red, but deep red colored beetroot is most common for human consumption and the red color of beetroot is due to the betanin in beetroot.  Betanin has various health benefits.

Other names for beetroot, are table beet, garden beet, and red beet. Roots of beetroot are eaten raw in salads and cooked as a vegetable, they are sweet in taste. Beetroot is often used for dyes and medicinal properties. The powerful health benefits are associated with beetroot and there are many ways it can be used and enjoyed in the kitchen.


Beetroots are packed many with many nutrients that are associated with numerous health benefits like improved blood flow and lower blood pressure, these benefits are due to the presence of inorganic nitrates in beetroots. 100 grams of beetroots contain the following nutrients:

  • Calories: 43
  • Water: 88%
  • Protein: 1.6g
  • Carbs: 9.6g
  • Fiber: 2.8g
  • Fat: 0.2g
  • Sugar: 6.8g
How to grow beetroot?
Beetroots are easy to grow and grow best in fertile and drained soil, soil should be checked before sowing. Sow at least three beet seeds at a distance of 10 cm, a depth of soil of 2.5 cm, in rows 30 cm apart. Once the roots are golf ball-shaped, pull out the alternate plants and leave them to mature if you wish, and harvest them if not more than a cricket ball. Beetroots grow best in the cool season.

Healthy benefits of beetroot or beetroot juice

Beetroot contains on rich amount of vitamins and minerals. Beetroots and their juice have many health benefits, such as heart health and exercise performance. Beetroots, their roots, and leaves are used as medicinal and also eaten as a vegetable. Here are some surprisingly health benefits of beetroot.

Lower the blood pressure

High levels of blood pressure can increase the risk factor for heart disease and stroke, people who face these problems must use beetroots or beetroots juice in their diet, as it can reduce blood pressure in time. Beetroots contain on rich amount of inorganic nitrates that fight against heart disease by lowering blood pressure and increasing nitric oxide formation.

Increased exercise performance

Beetroots contain inorganic nitrate, nitrate can enhance the physical performance. Beetroots juice is often used for increasing stamina, boosting oxygen use, and leading to the best exercise performance because of its high inorganic contents.

Improved digestive health

Beetroots are a good source of fiber, this fiber source promotes digestive health, keep you regular, reduced digestive condition like constipation, and inflammatory bowel syndrome, and also reduced the risk of chronic diseases such as colon cancer and heart disease.

Support your brain health

Inorganic nitrates in beetroots may help to support your brain health and promote the dilation of blood vessels which can increase blood flow to the frontal lobe of the brain, frontal lobe is associated with a high level of thinking, making a decision and increased working memory, beetroots are also reduced risk of dementia.

Maintain a moderate weight

Beetroots are low in fat and calorie but high in water, which balanced your energy intake, fiber and protein beetroots can make it easier to maintain a moderate weight and support digestive health and promote the feeling of fullness.

Reduced muscle cramps

Beetroots are a good source of potassium. Drinking beetroots juice can maintain the level of potassium in your body, the level of potassium gets too low, the risk factor of fatigue, weakness, and muscle cramps may be increased.

Good source of minerals

Beetroots contain on rich amount of vitamins and minerals. Your body can’t function properly without minerals. These nutrients play important role in your body, boost your immune system and support healthy bones and teeth.

Reduced the cholesterol level

People who have high cholesterol levels in their bodies must use beetroots juice in their diet. Because it contains phytonutrients such as flavonoids, which help to reduce the oxidative stress on the liver.

Give glowing skin

Beetroots act as blood purifiers, keeping your skin glowing and healthy. Beetroots are rich in vitamin C, which helps to remove blemishes and give your skin a natural glow.

Side effects of beetroot or beetroot juice

Increased risk of kidney stone

Beetroots contain oxalate and it can contribute to the formation of kidney stones. People who have kidney stones must avoid beetroots or beetroot juice.

May cause problems in the pregnancy stage

The presence of nitrate in beetroots may cause a problem at the time of pregnancy. Excess amount of nitrate can elevate the level of methemoglobin in the blood and cause symptoms like lack of energy, headache, and dizziness, and makes the blue-gray color on skin, hands, and feet.


What are the health benefits of Beetroot?

Beetroot contains on rich amount of vitamins and minerals. Beetroots and their juice have many health benefits. Here are some surprisingly health benefits of beetroot.
Lower the blood pressure
Increased exercise performance
Support your brain health
Maintain a moderate weight
Good source of minerals

What are the benefits of beetroot powder?

The benefits of beetroot powder are suitable for your eyes, it can improve blood circulation, good for your skin, and it can boost your immune system. because of their nutrients, you can call this superfood.

What are the benefits of beetroot juice?

beetroot juice may help to reduce blood pressure, improve your blood flow, and boost your endurance so you can exercise longer. Different research shows that drinking beetroot juice is beneficial for your health.

How to cook beetroot?

First of all clean the beetroot and remove the stems and dispose of them. So the first step is boiling you need only a pot in which all your beet will fit and add water. boil with high heat then reduces the heat, cover the pot and simmer for 30 minutes or until it is tender quickly shift them to ice water and remove their skins.

Muhib Hafeez

Muhib Hafeez

Nutrition, health, food & wellness! This is my jam. I’m here to help you put together some healthy meals, kick the junk food habit if you’re struggling, and help you find fitness that fits into your lifestyle. My nutritional advice is simple. Eat whole foods, mostly plants, and mostly from the ground

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